Business / Breach of Contract


  • Plaintiff sued for breach of contract and conversion after he rented a storage locker and requested deferral of his monthly payments based on a City Ordinance permitting deferral of storage rental fees during the COVID emergency declared by the CIty based on certain requirements. PLaintff claims he was told that his payments were deferred and that he could ignore the late notices he was receiving, but the contents of his storage locker were sold at auction. Defendant storage company claimed he was not eligible for deferral of his monthly rental fees under the City Ordinance since he did not suffer a loss of income during COVID and had the ability to pay. Defendant also claimed they sent the required Notice of the Auction to Plaintiff, but Plaintiff claims he did not receive it. Plaintiff is seeking damages for emotional distress and punitive damages.

  • Plaintiff health plan company alleged that defendants unlawfully “scraped” data from its server, including names, addresses, telephone numbers, and other personal information of plaintiff’s customers, and used the information to induce those customers to switch to another health plan.  Plaintiff sought damages for remediation of the data breach.

  • Plaintiff claimed that defendant violated the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (“TCPA”) by calling her at her home 309 times in a four month period after she had revoked her consent for any such calls.  Defendant asserted several defenses, including estoppel based on a previous arbitration between Plaintiff and her credit card company that resulted in a dismissal of her claim.  Defendant also contended that Plaintiff consented to the calls, that any revocation of consent was made to a third party and not communicated to Defendant, and that the calls were not made from an automatic telephone dialing system (“ATDS”), as required by the TCPA.

  • Plaintiff claimed that his former cable company and a collection agency violated various fair debt collection practices statutes.  Plaintiff sought statutory damages and actual damages, including attorneys’ fees and damages for emotional distress.  Plaintiff claimed his credit rating was harmed when the collection agency represented that he had defaulted on a debt, which the cable company assured him he did not owe.

  • Lawsuit for injunctive and equitable relief under the anti-fraud provisions of the Commodities Exchange Act in connection with fraudulent solicitation of customers for purposes of operating a commodity pool to trade commodity futures contracts on their behalf.

  • Lawsuit for breach of commercial contract to purchase iron ore and unjustifiable shipping delays.

  • Suits by union trust funds against contractors for failure to pay required contributions pursuant to a collective bargaining agreement.

  • Action to recover losses under investment scheme for international real estate investments involving placing funds in off shore bank accounts.

Tel: (310) 201-0010


Margaret Levy, Esq.